Lesson 1: What You Will Need

This is a list of the materials and tools you will need for this course.

Many of them are common glass studio tools and materials, but there are a few specialty items you may need to purchase.

Lesson 1: What You Will Need contains a general list of studio items you'll need for all lessons. You probably have these tools and supplies on hand.

Subsequent lessons show a list of needed supplies that are specific to that lesson. There are links to the items for easy purchase.

And all of this same info, along with the links, are in the downloadable PDF file.

LESSON 1: What You Will Need

Glass Materials Needed for All Lessons

113 White or white Tekta for base. All projects are made with a single layer.

Various transparent and opal powders

Each lesson usually starts with a white tile, but very pale colors like French Vanilla, Almond and Light Peach Cream can also work. I use mostly white in these lessons because that allows the powders to show themselves without any interference from a color under the powder layer. And, no reactions!

Tools and Supplies:

Running pliers


Scoring tool

Powder sifters

Plain printer paper for collecting overspray powder


X-acto knife

Ballpoint Pen




Wooden skewers

Hair spray

Yogurt or condiment cups for blending powders and/or lifting the work

Camera for documenting your work

Masking tape / Pinstriping tape

Dust mask


Silicone Shaper Tool https://tinyurl.com/5e88ujnm

Optional Item: Earwax vacuum – an inexpensive optional powder tool that comes in very handy. Great for removing powder from places where you don't want it. I like it for making dots in a powder layer and drawing lines through the powder. We have no information on how well it works on ears.


Another Optional Item: The spice pen – this is an interesting little kitchen gadget that I can't live without. I use it to draw lines with powder. It's actually meant for putting art on your latte with cocoa powder or cinnamon....


Note: we call these optional items but you may find that they are indispensable for powder work.

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