I'm Kim Brill -- and thank you for signing up for this class! I'm very excited to show you a new take on stacking glass and building up layers of colors.
I've been fusing glass since 2005, but I got hooked long before that. When I was a kid, I would buy little lampworked glass animals at the county fair. The artist worked in the booth and I was mesmerized by the flame, the rods and the small critter that I saw materialize before my eyes. Glass worked its magic on me but I never expected to come to it again later in life.
I am winding down a career as a graphic designer and art director, and have begun teaching at Helios Kiln Glass Studio in Austin, Texas. Helios attracts top glass instructors from across the country, and I've been able to learn from the best. I've also been fortunate to be invited to participate in residencies at Pilchuck and North Lands Creative, where the aim is to think, talk about and work on glass for 10 jam-packed days. And those experiences led to my work being juried into Bullseye's Emerge exhibit, and it's been published in The Corning Museum of Art's journal New Glass Review.
I'm in the process of developing new classes for Helios, and putting tutorials online in partnership with my colleague in creativity, Kat Adair. Please look up her tutorials. She's a gifted teacher. And she's a darned good glass artist and jewelry designer. See her work here: www.KatAdair.com
Thanks again. Have fun, learn some new things and develop them further. Enjoy this new adventure in your glass journey. Find my glass work at: www.FusedArtGlassByKimBrill.com
A Parting Thought:
Staying Connected, Growing the Glass Community
Every other Friday night, Kat and I host a Fusing Friday online Zoom meeting with glass artists from around the country. We talk about favorite glass topics, have guest presentations, show the occasional live demo and just chat about our shared obsession. All are welcome. Please search for the Fusing Friday group on Facebook to find our Zoom link. 7pm Central, every other Friday evening. We also post many of our Fusing Friday meetings on our YouTube channel KimKatGlass
Recent topics: websites for artists, custom stencil demo, the chemistry of glass, hand-lapping demo, finding inspiration, planning your studio space with SketchUp.